Friday, December 26, 2008

well amazing all the stuff that can happen to you....i just pushed some wrong buttons and everything i typed tranlated into hindi.....nice if your here's pics of the old studio, which is now an apartment....the new studio is in the garage, while bigger, somehow doesn't accomodate all the things that were in the smaller studio.......oh well.......manana......
WMNF 88.5 FM Community Radio, Tampa
Eclectic mix of music, news, and public

day after.....

went to a neat party last nite with freinds from the church, it's becoming a holiday tradition and most of the guest are members of the church. roscoe and myself have both become involved with the little apostolic catholic church down by the river on nebraska ave.this is one of those things that i thought would never become a part of my life............another day is advancing and it's almost time to get ready and set up at the flea market,see photos of flea mkt. displays........