Thursday, December 25, 2008


i have to thank my dear freind barbara for inspring me to set this blog up even though i have a long way to go i know now that it's a matter of time until i'll be arranging advanced layouts of all sorts......dream on tivo......
it.s now so much fun to make editions onto the blog and then go back to the studio for awhile and draw, come back and enter what i just drew, or what ever strikes my fancy, what a media for soul expression...........

in the beginning........

yes.....this is the beginning of a new computer experience for me and a very exciting one i have tosay.....i amaze myself in how i wallow around on the compter, half blind and totally ignorant of cyber knowhow.......i keep wallowing and eventually accomplished another function or task whatever the term maybe today and that was to iniciate this blog, which probably was pretty premature on my part.....but nevertheless i'm going to plow on until i get onto the other side......i luv it all...........tivo..........and please leave a nice message..........